On Goodness

I have been fascinated with "goodness" from a young age. My younger days: 5 - 13 years My younger days (pre- to early-teens) were concerned with how goodness was necessary to ensure one didn't go to hell. I remember taking a boat ride through "hell" at the now defunct Haw Par Villa -- a Buddhist/Toaist/Chinese-based... Continue Reading →


I'm finally employed! With a little over a year passing since I contemplating (and announcing to the world my contemplating) working while studying, I'm relieved that I have finally made good on my word that I'd find work here. And, I actually got two job offers within the space of a day! I know, to... Continue Reading →

What is Love?

I was writing in my journal when I, quite without thinking, wrote this line: What else is love but the continued acceptance of a person despite the person's flaws? Though it's not the perfect definition of love, I thought it was pretty good. And if you love me, you'd agree, wouldn't you?

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